Beyond Words: The Secret Language Hidden Within The Book of Kells
Have you ever stumbled upon a book that transcends its written content? A book where the very pages seem to come alive with intricate details and vibrant colors? The Book of Kells, a Celtic masterpiece from the 8th century, is exactly that.
The Transformative Power of Engaging with Public Art
Have you ever been stopped in your tracks by a piece of art in the middle of your day? Public art, those giant sculptures or murals that dot our cityscapes, can offer more than just a pretty view. This article explores the surprising ways public art can ignite moments of personal growth and self-discovery.
What does Artlette;r mean?
The Artlette part of the title given to this blog is a tribute to the name Arlette, a primarily French female name that means noble warrior. The semicolons are punctuation marks that connect independent clauses and show a closer relationship between them, more than what a period would do. So, in our case, the ;…