The Artlette part of the title given to this blog is a tribute to the name Arlette, a primarily French female name that means noble warrior.
The semicolons are punctuation marks that connect independent clauses and show a closer relationship between them, more than what a period would do. So, in our case, the ; in Artlette;r connects the warrior concept to the word “Letter” which is revealed by adding the “r.”
In short, Artlette;r is a construction that aims to play with the origin of the word Artlette (warrior), add an element to evolve it, and bring to the forefront another word: letter.
Artlette;r then means, the warrior of the words.
PS. For my cinefilos, the personification of the name Artlette is fittingly done in the Canadian political satire film of the same name, which portrays an unconventional approach to reinvigorating the public’s engagement with arts and culture. Check it out!